Serving Arizona Special Taxing Districts Since 1998
Stringfield Ranch
Domestic Water Improvement District
Next Step After Obtaining ARC Approval of Plans
Prior to obtaining a permit to build, you must first contact Stringfield Ranch Domestic Water Improvement District (SRDWID) and pay your hookup and permit fees for water and sewer. Yavapai County will not release your building permit until they receive verification from SRDWID that the fees have been paid. You will pay these fees to the District by contacting the District Administrators: Jennifer Bartos or Diana King. They can be reached at: jbartos@idsadmin.com or diana@idsadmin.com . You can find all the fees for the District at improvementdistrictservices.com.
When properties within the District are developed, connection to the water and sewer systems is mandatory. When you are ready to begin the building permit application process, contact the District office, Jennifer Bartos or Diana King (jbartos@idsadmin.com or diana@idsadmin.com). Once the fees are paid, a water and sewer permit will be issued and the District will approve the construction permit issuance with Yavapai County.
When you are ready to have the water meter installed, contact Jennifer Bartos or Diana King (jbartos@idsadmin.com or diana@idsadmin.com). The water meter will typically be installed within 48 hours. Monthly water and sewer charges will begin once the installation is complete.
The properties that connect to the sewer system require an on-site grinder pump system that delivers the sewage from the home into the sewer system under pressure. It is the responsibility of the property owner to purchase, install and maintain the individual on-site system. These on-site systems will be located on your property and will serve only your individual lot. Please be aware these pumps need to be serviced annually by the person of your choosing, so make certain the pump is accessible, with the lids 4” above grade. The District has minimum requirements for these on-site systems. It is important to keep the sewage flowing in the right direction and the pressure your pump applies must be consistent with the other pumps on the system. The District’s authorized representative must inspect the on-site system and sewer connection prior to backfilling. Please notify the administrative office when the connection is ready for inspection. The District representative will inspect the connection within two (2) working days from the date the inspection request was submitted. Any connection to the system backfilled prior to inspection shall be exposed within 48-hours at the applicant’s expense.
The District’s requirements are:
In general, the grinder system package will be a positive-displacement type pump capable of discharging to 138 feet of total dynamic head. The pump/grinder will be capable of processing domestic sewage into a slurry and discharge said waste to a low-pressure sewer system. The basin will be buried below ground with the access lid 4 inches above finished grade. The control panel will be capable of producing audible and visual alarms in the event of mechanical failure. We strongly recommend you don’t pinch pennies when selecting your grinder pump system.