Serving Arizona Special Taxing Districts Since 1998

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The Big Park Domestic Wastewater Improvement District provides sanitary sewer service to portions of an unincorporated area in Yavapai County, Arizona known as the Village of Oak Creek and Big Park. The District is a Special Taxing District formed in 1972 under Arizona Revised Statutes Title 48 Chapter 6 as a County Improvement District with the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors sitting as the Board of Directors. On November 10, 1997, due to new legislation, the District was converted to a Domestic Wastewater Improvement District with a locally elected Board of Directors.

Big Park Domestic Wastewater Improvement District (DWWID)
The original 1972 wastewater treatment plant located off Jacks Canyon Road was demolished in 1996. The District constructed a new 500,000 gallons per day DAVCO wastewater plant and main liftstation in June 1996, a belt press facility was completed in November 1997, and an ultra-violet disinfection unit was
added to the system in September 1999.
In 2012 the District contracted with Sunrise Engineering, Inc. to design a treatment plant modification to replace the aging treatment plant and to allow additional capacity for the current District commitments. A $5.5 million dollar loan was acquired from the Water Infrastructure Finance Authority to pay for engineering and construction costs. Additional land must be acquired to comply with the setback requirements established by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. This project was completed in December of 2015.
The sewer system consists of approximately 27 miles of sewer lines with 5 lift stations. The main liftstation, located near the corner of Wild Horse Mesa and Hutson Lane, was upgraded and expanded in 2008. A portion of the treatment plant effluent output is delivered to the Oakcreek Country Club Golf Course and the remainder is discharged into an unnamed wash off Jacks Canyon Road.
The Village of Oak Creek
The Village lies cradled by the red rock formations, as well as Wild Horse Mesa and House Mountain. If the view seems familiar, note that this valley, known as Big Park, was the setting for many western movies. This quiet and small residential community was established by farming/ranch settlers in the late 1800s, and today is known for its dining, lodging, shopping, hiking, biking and golf.
Related Links:
Official Big Park Domestic Wastewater Improvement District
Yavapai County
Arizona State Legislature Statutes
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
Environmental Protection Agency
National Scenic Byways Program
Coconino Forest Service
Village of Oak Creek
Improvement District Services, Inc.
3603 Crossings Drive, Prescott, AZ 86305
Phone (928) 443-9484
Toll-Free in AZ (800) 659-7149
Fax (928) 443-9486
Email Jennifer Bartos or Diana King
Regular Business Hours
Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m.
Closed for lunch from 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
As a courtesy we have a drop box to the right of our door for after-hours payments!
Holiday Closures:
New Year's Day, Civil Rights Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,
Columbus Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas, and New Year's Eve.